On Friday 1st March 2024 at 2pm, the World Day of Prayer Service was held at Merrow Methodist. The World Day of Prayer movement (initially starting as the Women's World Day of prayer) is celebrated annually in over 170 countries. Each year, the service is designed by Christian women from a specific country. The service is always held around the world on the first Friday in March.
This year, poignantly (and very much by chance), the service was written by the Christian Women of Palestine. The overall theme of the service was:
I beg you, bear with one another in love
The Church was beautifully decorated with flowers, fruit and pictures to evoke the colours and feel of Palestine. During the service, we heard about the experiences of Palestinian Christian ladies from three different generations – it was very thought provoking especially in the current situation. There was also opportunities to sing Palestinian Christian hymns – both in English and Arabic.
As with all events, refreshments were available afterwards.
01483 537655
Merrow Methodist Church
Bushy Hill Drive